Family to Family
Family to Family
An Interactive Newsletter.
January 2000.

Well look here it's the year 2000. I hope everyone has a great year.
I would like to thank everyone for being so patient with me and this Web site. The www can be complicated sometimes but with persistence I will prevail and come out with an interesting and fun newsletter.

This is the first page that will be mailed in the printed version this month and one of the many that will change monthly. For those that are viewing online bookmark the Search-by-Banner Page that will ensure that you get to the newsletter properly.

Concerns about Security of the online newsletter? Well don't be. Anything concerning addresses, phone numbers or anything important of that nature will never be placed online. In the instances where something specific needs to be kept from the general public the item will be replaced with (see email insert) on the online version. The printed version will have the proper information printed in it's proper places.

If anyone tried to access last months web site you may have noticed you could not retrieve it. Well, I messed up and it is gone, sorry. I have now found a more stable place to host the newsletter. The URL is:
you must type in this exact address to get there and then click on the under construction picture. For those who have the old URL with underconst.html you can still get to the newsletter from there but you may want to bookmark the new page listed above.

Sorry Guys but I cannot afford to keep sending this newsletter to those who do not write each month. I put a lot of time and energy into this so if you want to receive it then write me. Of course you can always view it online but the important #'s will be missing so if you do go online send me an E-mail at and tell me where I can E-mail the missing notes. So if you don't want this to be your last mailing then write me please.

Ok if your ready to start reading the news then printed version readers go to the next page. Online users click on the arrow.

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